How to modify DNS information with the registrar Melbourne IT
Melbourne IT -
Type into your browser.
Click Manage, located at the top of the screen in the gray menu.
Click your domain type. (Most domains are Top Level Domains.)
Enter the domain name and Registry Key information provided to you by Melbourne IT upon the initial registration of your domain name.
If you do not have or have lost the Registry Key information, select and click the ’Lost Registry Key Recovery’ option to the left of the login area.
Once you have logged on you will be on the Maintenance Option menu for your domain. Click Delegation Details.
Replace any existing name server information with Dex’s DNS information as shown below:
Click Process Changes.
You should then receive a page confirming that your changes have been completed. Please allow up to 72 hours for the changes to take effect worldwide.
If you cannot find where to make the needed changes, or encounter issues with the Web interface for your Melbourne IT account, please view their help pages at
If you cannot resolve your issue, Melbourne IT has provided a Web site where you may request assistance:
While we have provided this information to ease your DNS transition to our name servers, Dex is not responsible for the content listed in these steps, as we are not the authoritative source of this information. If you have further questions with this process you will need to contact the respective domain registrar.