How to modify DNS information with the registrar Namesecure -

  1. Type into your browser.
  2. Click My Account, located on the left side of the screen.
  3. Enter the user name and password information provided to you by Namesecure upon the initial registration of your domain name.

    • If you cannot locate this information, click the ‘Click here’ option below the logon area

  4. Once you have logged on you will be provided with the information regarding your account. This will include a list of the domains you have registered with Namesecure. Locate the domain to which you wish to make changes, and click the link next to it labeled ‘View/Modify/Renew.’
  5. Click the “Registration Information“ tab.
  6. Once on the Registration Information menu, click Modify Domain Name Servers.
  7. Replace any existing name server information with Dex’s DNS information as shown below:


If you cannot find where to make the needed changes, or encounter issues with the Web interface for your account, please view their help section. This is available via a link at the bottom of their main Web page at

If you cannot resolve your issue, contact Namesecure via email at
[email protected] or by phone at (888) 939-NAME.

While we have provided this information to ease your DNS transition to our name servers, Dex is not responsible for the content listed in these steps, as we are not the authoritative source of this information. If you have further questions with this process you will need to contact the respective domain registrar.